Mama is Here!

I haven't written here much, so you probably don't know that my mama came to visit us in August. It was awesome and we had a lot of fun. So, we decided to do it again! Yay!

The second night she was with me we decided it would be a good idea to make pelmeni. Hm? They're like ravioli filled with meat. This is a really Russian dish and I don't ever make it myself. The last time I had it was when I was back there the summer of 2010. These take a long time, so we decided we'd make it even longer by grinding almost 9 pounds of meat (pork and beef) ourselves.

Anyway, I won't bore you with details, but here is what we ended up with.

I don't know if you heard me counting, but we made almost 900 of these. WHAT?! Yah, we made over 400 the first night and then we finished the other half of the meat mixture the next morning.

And this is what they look like when they're ready to eat. You just boil the frozen pelmeni in salted water and they're done.


Right after we finished making all these Vova picked up my mom so they could go see a Cirque du Soleil show at the Kodak theatre. We ended up having a bunch of leftover dough (which is basically a pasta dough), so I made pasta!

IMG_1678 IMG_1679

And that's how we spent our Sunday!


  1. Mmm, looks tasty. Mama must think you need more feeding.

  2. No, Olga just likes pelmeni.

  3. moms are the best. mine also always cooks stuff i never dare trying to make myself. this is one of the reasons why i love so much when she visits!


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