Russian Literature Quiz

photo by yours truly :) trans-siberian railroad '13

One of my brilliant coworkers posted this link in the #random channel. Who can figure our which lines are from a Russian novel and which are from a work email?

Some of my very favorite novels are Russian, and I'm so lucky to be able to read them in the native language. But this quiz quotes the novel in English! And it was surprisingly hilarious! (It doesn't translate well.) So, it's fun quiz time!

I did pretty well! 13/16. #16 is the easiest. (Hint: a Russian never turns down tea. :) How did you do?

P.S. If you're in the mood for more Russia, here is a video of my trans-siberian trip in 2013. And some tips for your very own journey. (I just re-read them, and they still hold true.)
