No Rolling Pin

Last week was a little hectic, as was the weekend. (I had my first 2 day ultimate tournament!) I only saw Jay-Z briefly during the week. I knew that her grandpa had suffered a stroke last week and was in the hospital but when I texted her on Sunday to ask how he was doing he was gone. So, I made sugar cookies for Jay-Z as soon as I got back.

Sugar Cookie Dough
3.5 cups of all-purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon of salt
1 teaspoon baking powder
2 sticks of butter (room temperature)
1.5 cups of sugar
2 eggs
2 teaspoons of vanilla extract

1. Mix the dry ingredients together.
2. Beat sugar and butter until fluffy. (wee!) Add the eggs and vanilla and beat until combined.
3. Add the flour mixture and beat until you have a smooth dough. Refrigerate the dough for 30 minutes.

I then rolled out the dough (without a rolling pin, mind you) and sprinkled the surface with sugar and cinnamon. I rolled up the sugared sheet in a log and refrigerated it until it was "cuttable".



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. <2222

    you are the bestessstttt.

  3. can we have more dates in which we gush about our love lives, dance, cook, and I tickle you?

    there are few words that can really express how much it meant for me that you were there for me during this time.


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