Things That Made My (Last 3) Week(s)

image source: vanleeuwen ice cream

Haiii. Long time no Friday post.

Here are some things that made me :) the last few weeks:
  - seeing incredible trolls do what they do best
       exhibit a: zimmerman trial
       exhibit b: asiana plane crash pilot names
       "for the last time, anything you put on that teleprompter [s]he will read!" anchorman wasn't that far off!
  - discovering the mindy kaling project (which is hilarious)
  - mint chocolate tracks ice cream
  - awesome pants
  - finding the coolest looking dopp kit
    i know dopp kits are for men, but i'm yet to find a girl toiletry bag that doesn't look like hot cheese
  - this cool cat learns to dance a year
  - a case for not buying a wedding gift. i'm sold!
  - whoa! (just a human powered helicopter)
  - oh, and making and eating these (but mostly eating)

What are you up to this weekend? I'll be catching up on sleep, making paninis and... catching up on sleep.

he played this song at the concert and it was amazing (also this one)
