It's a Great Ruler!

Working on my Digital Systems project. I am very proud of myself for coming up with this design. It took me a few days to think of it. I kept going to my professor to try to clarify things. She was really stingy on what she gave away but kept telling me that I was close and I could do it. I TOTALLY DID! The left picture is 3 of my 8 logic gate systems and 1 7-bit multiplexor (MUX!). Those are just pieces of my final hierarchical design. It's pretty cool.
I bet papa is proud of my neat THIN lines. He better be.
Well, look at who's ahead of the game. Papa has politely informed me that those diagrams should really be done in AutoCAD. Bad news: I have a Mac. No AutoCAD for the most awesome operating system on the planet. Good news: I have JY! CHECK IT.

Awesome? Yes, awesome.
Hey, такие схемы надо уже на компьютере делать в каком-нибудь AutoCAD или что-то в этом роде. Ну, а для рисунка от руки, конечно, хорошая работа.
ReplyDeleteOh boy! A new-age Rorschach test!
ReplyDeleteOk. In the first one I see two cowbells pitched an octave apart dangling four tiny ant marionnets.
In the second one I see either a steamboat sailing to the right, or three couples dancing in a grain silo with their four babies placed in a row outside.
And in the third one I see a penis.
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ReplyDeletec'mon Apple, people need a real computer.
ReplyDelete"I have a Mac. No AutoCAD for the most awesome operating system on the planet."
ReplyDeleteMac sucks! :-)
Time for a virtual machine.
ReplyDeleteHey, hey, hey. No bashing OS X. I love it very, very much.
ReplyDeleteUnsolicited: I used to use VMware Fusion but Windows 7 sucked so much I couldn't stand it. I need to get Windows XP one of these days.
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ReplyDeleteWindows 7 sucked? Excuse me, EXCUSE ME! W7 has experienced one of the smoothest launches since Windows 95 and everybody loves it. Everybody. Windows 7 is so awesome they even had/have a W7 burger (with 7 patties of meat) in Japan.
ReplyDeleteAnd I just typed 7, 7 times in this comment.