Hello, Summer!

I came across these photos posted by The Atlantic. As temperatures soar, zookeepers schedule regular hose-downs for the big cats! Love the giant paws and scrunched nose under water.

All photos are from In Focus by The Atlantic

I'm super excited for the summer. I'm going to a housewarming party for a friend I haven't seen in ages this weekend, also playing ultimate on Sunday.

Here's to hoping I get invited to lots of barbecues, pool parties, beach parties, bonfires, and backpacking trips. I'm a good guest that brings slaws and desserts. I promise!


  1. LOVE it! I think my cats could benefit from this right about now. It's 95 degrees outside and they're both sprawled belly up on my bed!

    1. Hahaha! The belly-up maneuver - my favorite.

      I wish my cats liked water. I spray them when they're doing something they're not supposed to. And the hilarious thing is that they come running RIGHT to me (the source of the spray), like "You will not believe what just happened. It rained right on me. What the heck?" Silly cats.

  2. I love some of the songs on RS's new album!!! SO excited to see you soon!

  3. Olga, you reminded me of a Paula Poundstone routine. Don't miss the part at 8:55 http://youtu.be/QOE1VQIrX9A?t=6m36s

    1. Hahahha. Kevin. This is hilarious. I've never heard of Paula Poundstone. Cat stand up comedy = the best.

    2. I just got to the spray bottle part. She is spot-on.


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