Day 120: Grumpy photoshoot


One of the people in my mom's group had a brilliant idea to host a photoshoot for moms and babies before Mother's Day. It was hosted at her MIL's beautiful backyard and her MIL took the photos.  (I'm pretty sure she face-tuned everyone haha - classic MIL.)

It was a potluck situation and I wanted to bring pistachio buns because I'm extra. I roped Alex into blanching pistachios with me and it took me a couple of bedtimes to finish these, but I did it. They were absolutely not worth it.

Right when we arrived at the house for the photos, I reached into Rivian's gear tunnel to pull out the buns and Alex opened the car door right into my forehead. Yikes. Tommy was in a terrible mood (probably because he wouldn't nap). All the babies were hamming it up for the camera and Tommy was not having it. Made me weirdly proud.

Later we met up with Brandon, Mel, Brent, and Paula for a very popular hike to see a bunch of poppies. We all came back to our house and made sandwiches and a big salad. We pulled out our outdoor table out of its winter hibernation and read our favorite baby books while Tommy napped. I love those guys. <3
