SSS (Summer School Sucks) LAST WEEK!

Ah. So, this is the week when everything is due in a writing intensive class. Sorry I haven't been posting much. As you can imagine, the last thing on my mind right now is more writing.
My team and I are finishing up our big 65-ish page paper in the next couple of days. I hate writing so much. I will find anything to do to postpone doing it. I will watch Cindy Crawford's skin care product informercials on repeat to delay writing.

I've tried writing in my room, in the living room, outside, in the library, in the computer lab, at my teammate's apartment, at the 3rd Street Promenade. The most successful place so far has been outside. The least successful - MY ROOM. Agh. You cannot make me be productive in my room. It's a lost cause.

SUMMER BEGINS IN 2 days and 3 hours!


  1. Superb facial expressions! You related your frustration perfectly!
    We can't wait till your done and able to enjoy summer!

  2. Yaaaay! We'll finally be able to catch up on Lost and I won't be doing homework at the Promenade.

  3. Outside, as in broad day light?
    ...How can you even see your screen?

    Anyways, two thumbs up for the final SSS post. Let your summer begin (again)!


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