"You have an awesome butt!"

Words uttered by M as she was walking on my back and butt.

I juggled! My arms are more sore than they've been in a long while. These are new clubs and they're way heavy so it was difficult, especially the 5 and 6. I also have a bruise on the inside of my forearm from the stupid clubs.

I also measured my blood pressure yesterday. I forgot the exact measurement. I'll update the post tomorrow.

Remember the post where I talked about my birthday presents? Well, I never posted the picture of my mama and grandma's present.
Look! I got over my ring phobia. It only took one GORGEOUS ring from the people I love. Thank you!

Ooo. Almost forgot. I went to JY's going away bonfire. I had a lot of fun even though I showed up late. My clothes and hair smell of fire and I refuse to wash either. I wish they made shampoo and detergent of campfire smell. I'm going to miss hanging out with JY and C and I can't wait to see them in September on my trip up North.

Lots of random thoughts tonight. I apologize.


  1. Я так полагаю:
    1) M это Maegan,
    2) JY это James Yeary,
    3) а C это ... Кто?
    Где мне взять это твоё видео в лучшем качестве? Собираюсь поместить его в Контакт и, может быть, на YouTube.

  2. Ты очень хорошо получилась на этой фотке с перстнем. Правда, перстень плохо видно. ;-)

  3. C is Cameron. Yeah, I was trying to get it close to the camera and it didn't turn out that well.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.


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