Off to a Good Start

about to laugh face
I do apologize for the stupid face, JZ. I just could not, for the life of me, do a normal face for a photo yesterday.

Last time I saw this cool cat was exactly a year ago. It doesn't feel that long. (Probably because we geech (google chat) a lot.) We went to a wedding! It was one of those perfect SoCal days with plenty of breeze and sunshine. So fun! Thanks for inviting me, JZ.

Did you know that tonight the moon will be the largest/brightest of the year? I'm getting my binoculars and heading out to my balcony to grill corn and peaches at 7:29 pm.

Hope you have a lovely supermoon evening!

And just for fun, here's a moon-themed song I love.

PS. Here's an admittedly amateur photo I took of the supermoon in 2012.
