Day 92 | mile 2067.8 - 2096.9 | 29.1 miles

Oatmeal with huckleberries for breakfast!! Very Oregon. Very tasty.

We only have 29 miles to Timberline Lodge and a promise of real dinner. So, miles were easy today.

I was really hungry, even after the awesome breakfast. We stoped for lunch and water at 12:15-ish. You know that Nutella jar I got at the general store yesterday? Ya, I finished it at lunch today. I had a moldy pizza bagel with cream cheese and Nutella. I picked off the mold, guys, I’m not an animal!
We sat with Monk and Zzz. Monk went to get water and said it was just stagnant pools. I knew he was wrong and we found a nice stream flowing. You just need to stop and listen for it.

I flew up the next hill powered by Nutella and ABBA.

I ran into Cotezi!!!!! Alex can attest I’ve been obsessed with following her PCT hike last year. I’d watch her Instagram stories bleary eyed in bed, on the train, while cooking dinner. She was going SOBO. I stopped and said, “are... you Cotezi?” We stopped and chatted for a while. She is hiking the sections she missed because of the fires on the PCT last year. She is even cooler in person.

Needless to say I was pinching myself the rest of the day. And wondering if I made a good impression or if I said anything stupid.

Tried to do something cool on a bridge but I fell instead.

Saw lots of dogs and their outdoorsy owners near Timothy Lake and Upper and Lower Twin Lakes.

The last 3 miles up to Timberline Lodge were hard. It’s steep and very sandy in parts. The views of Mt. Hood were incredible. As you get closer it looks like a giant sand pile. That would explain having to walk up a sand dune, basically.

Listened to How I Built This about Bumble and LinkedIn.

Got here at 6:15 and set up our tents.

Walked down to the fabled port-a-potty shower. It was the most disgusting place I’ve ever showered. It smelled like somebody used it as a regular port-a-potty. It’s basically a hose attached to the top. And to turn it on, you hold down the handle, kind of like a water fountain. And the water is freezing. Agh. The worst.

I put on my wind pants and a puffy and walked to Timberline.

We had 2 pizzas and salad for dinner. One of the pizzas was too spicy. I have no pictures of the pizza because I was v. hungry.

I chatted with Belen and charged devices. Phil got dessert: berry cobbler with 5 scoops of ice cream. So good.

All I wanted to do was fall asleep on the lobby couch and not move. I peeled myself off the couch to do laundry in the lobby public bathroom. FaceTimed with my parents while I rinsed and rinsed my socks. Then talked with Alex.

My Canadian entry permit was rejected on account of not using a scanner for documents. Agh. I asked the hotel if they could scan my drivers license. They were very confused for some reason. Finally they agreed. When I got the file, it was black and white. It needed to be in color. Fuck!

Walked back up the hill to my tent. Hung up my clothes in the windy night while cursing. Sleep finally.
