2 down, 1 more!
So, I pretty much love living with my awesome roommates.

James and I had an electrical engineering study sesh that was really helpful. I love EE but it's very hard. After we were done I made shrimp scampi and we all ate properly at the table with cloth napkins given to me by Sue. (Thanks, Sue!)

You can see we're all really happy. Especially D when I try to hug her. James helped me set the table, D did the dishes and C provided dessert.
This quarter we learned all these intricate details about p-n junctions and semiconductors. It was an AWESOME class. I loved my professor, he is super distinguished and taught very well. He answered every single question in detail. Some professors don't answer questions well. If Prof. Jalali didn't understand the question a student was asking he would clear it up and then answer. An admirable trait in a professor. I really wanted to clap after his last lecture and I did and then every clapped. The only professor I had this quarter who was applauded.

Here he is in all his glory.
You can read more about him here: http://www.ee.ucla.edu/~oecs/Profjalali.htm
Today was my EE final. It was super hard but I got through it and I'm done. I'll post a copy of it at some point.
After the final James and I went to see Slumdog Millionaire. I'm pretty sure we were the last ones to do so. It was pretty good. I liked the dancing at the end. We tried to study for math after that but we didn't get very far. It's hard to study after taking a final. We cooked wings and potatoes. Yum.
Work tomorrow. Bye!
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