36 Hour Trip...WHA HA!
First of all, when you fry, fry Delta. It was awesome! They have this new safety video that features a pretty hot redhead who kind of looks like Kylie Minogue.
I remembered this video as I was writing this. I agree with zefrank on most everything, but not Delta apparently. This video is still worth watching for its entertainment value. Enjoy and check out his other videos!
Oh, when Barry and I got to LA I realized I forgot my phone. Naturally. I don't think I forgot anything else which is surprising.
The flight to New York was late but I got to hold a baby and make my connecting flight, so it was OK. I was determined to get soft serve ice cream before my long flight. I was so late they had to call my name. I wouldn't have it any other way. The flight was pretty empty so I had an seat between me and this other guy. I claimed it shortly after the takeoff by putting my head on it. I'm sure he wasn't thrilled but whatever. I slept in 3 hour intervals waking up to read David Sedaris and to listen to Atlas Shrugged. Which is awesome, by the way. I was a little skeptical after I finished the first chapter. But then I took a break and kept thinking about it. The more I did, the more I fell in love with it. I can't wait to listen to the rest.
We got to Moscow an hour ahead of schedule. I didn't have any checked luggage so I ran out after going through customs and mom wasn't there. I had to wait for her for an hour while these creepy men kept asking me if I needed a cab. She got to the airport on time and then we went to the train station. We had a lot of time to kill so we rode the metro to different stations for a while. I really wished I had brought my camera. It's beautiful. If you've never been, go.
Here is me and mama.
I remembered this video as I was writing this. I agree with zefrank on most everything, but not Delta apparently. This video is still worth watching for its entertainment value. Enjoy and check out his other videos!
Oh, when Barry and I got to LA I realized I forgot my phone. Naturally. I don't think I forgot anything else which is surprising.

The flight to New York was late but I got to hold a baby and make my connecting flight, so it was OK. I was determined to get soft serve ice cream before my long flight. I was so late they had to call my name. I wouldn't have it any other way. The flight was pretty empty so I had an seat between me and this other guy. I claimed it shortly after the takeoff by putting my head on it. I'm sure he wasn't thrilled but whatever. I slept in 3 hour intervals waking up to read David Sedaris and to listen to Atlas Shrugged. Which is awesome, by the way. I was a little skeptical after I finished the first chapter. But then I took a break and kept thinking about it. The more I did, the more I fell in love with it. I can't wait to listen to the rest.
We got to Moscow an hour ahead of schedule. I didn't have any checked luggage so I ran out after going through customs and mom wasn't there. I had to wait for her for an hour while these creepy men kept asking me if I needed a cab. She got to the airport on time and then we went to the train station. We had a lot of time to kill so we rode the metro to different stations for a while. I really wished I had brought my camera. It's beautiful. If you've never been, go.
Here is me and mama.
The train was awesome. This guy who was riding with us really wanted to talk to me in English which was weird but fun. He also studies programming but we couldn't really talk about anything of value as his English and my Russian are limited, especially in CS area.
I was really tired and fell asleep really fast. I woke up at 3am because everybody around me was snoring really loud. I put my earplugs in and went back to sleep. I woke mom up at 5:30 so we had time to drink tea and brush our teeth. (They close the restroom an hour before the train gets to the station.)
Grandpa didn't come to the train station. :-( But grandma did! We came home and watched my ballet video first thing. It is gooooood!
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