It's Finals Time!

Yes, it is here again. My first one is on Saturday and the panic is already settling in.
Here is my next week's schedule:
   Monday: class, meeting with future landlord, phi rho meeting (my first active meeting)
   Tuesday: CS project is due
    Wednesday: class, reading lots of Anthro
   Thursday: studying for EE, reading Anthro textbook when not studying for EE
   Friday: studying for CS final
   Saturday: CS final, driving to San Diego w. Bees and Vova
    Sunday: 10K race in Del Mar!
   Monday: EE final
    Tuesday: Anthro final
    S-U-M-M-E-R: beach, surfing, camping, backpacking in Yosemite, school and some juggling!

OK. I snapped this picture of this boy in my CS discussion. On Friday we did these presentations about our experiences with programming in MIPS. We were encouraged to be creative. People wrote poems and drew comics. I did my attempt at a stand-up routine. This boy sang! He sang to the tune of How to Save a Life by The Fray but it was MIPS is, Oh, So Hard. Genius!
I'm posting pictures of my summer days with Beth because that's what I like thinking about nowadays. It feels like this was a week ago. WHERE DID THE YEAR GO?! 
I love this girl. I'm sure she is going to be mad at me for posting these pictures. Just be happy I didn't post the pear-eating one. I really wanted to because it captured the essence of the night we spent on the roof.

Going to bed soon, I swear.
