F-f-fish Taco!
I love fish tacos. Credit to Elliot for introducing them to me a little over a year ago.

I'm on a break between Anthro 7 and CS 33 Discussion right now. I was supposed to PRB (Phi Rho Bond) with one of my "sisters" today but nobody was available. I went down to the food court myself and got a fish taco from Rubio's. Oh, it was glorious.

It's difficult to find a good fish taco. For example, I have ordered one at Marmelade Cafe {which is an awesome restaurant, by the way} once and it was just terrible. I think fried fish in a taco is gross. I was at 3rd Street Promenade the other weekend and I think we went to Rubio's too. I ordered just the regular fish taco and it was not good. Go get yourself a Mahi Mahi taco from Rubio's TODAY! It's delicious.
Speaking of food, my awesome roommate D got me an In-And-Out burger last Sunday when she came home and saw me looking miserable programming at my computer covered in matzo crumbs weeping softly into a napkin. (I'm just kidding about the crying part.)

The burger totally reenergized me and gave me strength to finish my program. Thanks, D!
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