I had ballet today and it was great. I had like 15 minutes before work and I stayed and danced some of the across the floor combinations we were doing on Tuesday.
Funny story:
I stayed at work until 7 today. I would have stayed at work longer but it was getting dark and I only had shorts on and didn't want to be cold. Well, it was cold. I got outside and was standing by the stoplight. I started jumping to warm myself up. This car was turning right so they stopped. It was an elderly couple. I smiled at them and they smiled and waved. Then this car rolls down the front window and this chick from the backseat yells: "I see a dirty girl!" I laughed. I'm not sure which part of me she found dirty - my awesome crocs, running shorts or REI fleece. Must have been the crocs. The light turned green shortly and I had to walk right in front of the car as they were "ow, ow"ing. Silly UCLAers.
I went to a Phi Rho henna night tonight. It was at my pledge mom's place. We watched Rent and Noren did henna tattoos. I had fun singing the songs that I knew from Rent. I can't believe I still remember the lyrics. Here is my tattoo.

I'm saying POW in the picture!
Ну, эти татушки совсем тебя не красят. Их легко смыть?